The Trash Cans, Named Trash Cans (with Names) #
Trashmen that are washed up, or that have yet to join the Trash Corps, wind up in trash cans.
STACK GANGS often shove Trashmen in trash cans. So there’s really no telling how a trash can came to be.
“deal with it” - ashnikko feat. Kelis (2021)
1 TrashCan 0xDEADBEEF, “Taupe” #
Skill 3
Stamina 4
Initiative 3
Armour 0
Damage as Trash Can Lid (Small Beast)
Mien #
- Scowling.
- Actively judging its contents.
- Communicating via the Trash Corps whisper network.
- Acting like a normal trash can.
- Opening a portal to the Flatlands.
- Smelling.
Always watching. Neighborhood watch? More like trash can watch. They form a whisper network that spreads across the city. There’s not an entry or exit to the 2D and 3D astral planes that they don’t notice.
They’re watchdogs, leading to an underground tunnel system.
Special #
They burrow and teleport to another 0xDEADBEEF in 1d3 rounds.
2 TrashCan 0xBADFOOD #
Skill 3
Stamina 4
Initiative 3
Armour 0
Damage as Trash Can Lid (Small Beast)
Mien #
- Mimicry.
- Summoning a murder of ravens.
- Crying a literal river into a stream that forms an estuary that birds bask in.
- Eating a sandwich.
- Rolling around on two skateboards.
- Making violent threats, and reflecting any spells back at their casters?
They’re like impromptu moving trucks. There’s not a pile of trash you can’t move quickly if you put it on a 0xBAADFOOD. Kids ride them like skateboards, often while riding skateboards.
Their voices have led many sailors to their doom.
Special #
Others may act on its Initiative, if it consents. It turns horizontal, rolls away like a barrel, and takes no action.
3 TrashCan 0xBADDCAFE #
Skill 3
Stamina 4
Initiative 3
Armour 0
Damage as Trash Can Lid (Small Beast)
Mien #
- Making the sound of being punched in the gut (foley artists often imitate the sound by striking a frozen chicken with an aluminum baseball bat).
- Actively destroying the audiovisual sync of anyone having a conversation nearby.
- Singing the national anthem of the Flatlands.
- Burrowing.
- Belching out murders of crows.
- Rolling on its flat side.
Hoarders of the trash corps. They pretty much have a spare copy of any magazine you need. Any video you want to rent, already rewound. They are positioned in the office of every dignitary in the city.
Special #
They can turn anything into 1d3 provisions in 1d3 rounds. Trash popcorn anyone?